How Well Do You Know Your Personality Type?

A note reading, "Self Awareness" pinned to a bulletin board

Have you ever taken a personality test? While we are all unique, there are several observable traits that are common to groups of people. Interestingly, personality types cross all demographics. It’s always fun to meet someone with whom you have almost nothing in common, and yet you think in a very similar way.

Understanding your own personality is a powerful tool to use in mapping out your future. The information gained from taking a personality test will help you make sense of your preferences, communication style, and way of thinking. You can then use it to evaluate colleges and career fields with clarity. You can also use your personality intel to be self-aware in your relationships and interactions. 

“Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.” ~ Aristotle

Self-awareness is the ability to look at yourself objectively and identify your own characteristics, quirks, strengths, vulnerabilities, and tendencies. To know yourself is to take responsibility for who you are and to accept that you have agency in how you approach the world. This helps you make the best decisions for your own success and in how you impact the world. I’ve written before about how you are the CEO of Your Success. The most successful CEOs are experts in their companies. If you are the company and the CEO, that means you need to be the expert in you!

Take a Personality Test for Better Self-Awareness

There are many personality test tools available today. You may eventually take several of them during college or over the course of your career. My personal favorite is the NERIS Type Explorer®, which you can take for free at 16 Personalities. This test is an offshoot of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator®, and it helps people identify themselves within 16 categories that are grouped into 4 types. Test takers answer a series of questions to determine where they fall among the 16 categories. Most people are stunned at the accuracy of their results.

Knowing your own personality also helps you relate to others. Once you get familiar with some of the more obvious personality traits, it becomes easier to identify them in someone else and adjust the way you interact for better communication and relationships.

Find Your Fit Based On Your Personality

What you do with your personality type information can make a huge difference in how you plan your future. Your personality type will help you determine things like:

  • Whether to go to a large university or small college

  • Whether to travel abroad or stay close to home

  • Whether to explore careers that are constantly changing or that are very consistent

  • Whether to work with a lot of people or independently

  • Whether to work in a business or a non-profit

Of course, none of these are actually binary choices. What works best for your personality, natural abilities, and interests will be as unique as you are. The benefit of self-awareness in planning for college and career is that you’ll consistently make choices that feel right and help you feel successful.

If you did your personality test, and you’re still feeling unsure about how to use that information, contact me for a free strategy session. We’ll go over your results and brainstorm several options to explore. I’ve helped many students just like you get on the path to become the CEO of their success.

Keep an eye out for more posts on this topic, where I’ll go more in-depth on how to use your personality type to relate to others and to finding fulfilling careers.


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